Thursday, March 6, 2008

Victory for the Week

I always love to celebrate what I call victories in regards to Grant's progress, whether they are big or small. This week's victory was Grant riding his tricycle and actually pedaling with his legs keeping his feet on both pedals!

Last summer we got him his tricycle and worked with him until the weather was too cold. Yesterday was the first time he's been on it since last fall. I had a little while before my students started coming and Kate was still napping and the weather was so beautiful so I thought it would be a great time to work with him on his "bike." He was so excited when I brought it in from the garage and out the front door. He hopped on right away and started using his feet on the ground to go. So I positioned his feet on his pedals and told him to push with his feet. To my surprise he actually pedaled with his legs and feet. It was like he knew exactly what to do. Yeah, Grant!!!

His physical therapist has been working with him on this, and at school he has opportunities to work on riding as well. The pedals do not move by themselves even with me pushing him. He couldn't quite pedal enough to go on his own; it was more like 50% of me pushing him and 50% of him pedaling. There were a few times though that he was going completely on his own. I was so excited from yesterday that I let him ride around in it in the house today! (He would have gone outside had I let him but I didn't think he would have fun in the cold and rainy weather!) He pedaled all around as I pushed him from behind. He loves riding his "bike", as we call it.

It's moments like this that I am so encouraged. Experiencing Grant being able to do something for the first time that we have worked sooooooo hard on is one of the greatest feelings I have as his mom. Thank you, Lord!


Anonymous said...

That is so wondeful!! Thanks for sharing it!

Anonymous said...

Oh, good, I am not the only one who lets their kids do outdoor stuff in the house. My daughter has high-functioning Autism and we let her ride her rollerblades and scooter in the house...easier for her b/c she has walls to hold onto. I saw the link to your blog on the Divine Consign message thing...I love reading blogs!