Monday, October 27, 2008

Thankful Grant and Sad Grant

Something really cool happened today with Grant: Before his nap today he put his hands together and said, "Pray" meaning "It's time to pray"

So I started with "Dear Jesus" and Grant said the same thing in Grant Version. Then I said "Thank you for..." and Grant filled in the blank with "Tatie" who was standing right next to his bed. Then I said "Thank you for..." and he said "Dada".

We kept going and he continued to fill in the blanks after I said, "Thank you for..." He said, Tatie, Dada, Mamum, Me (pointing to himself), eeea ( eat thanking for food), he said someone's name that I'm not sure, then 'ho' meaning "home". I thought that was so sweet! And the last two were "piwwow" (pillow) and then "agh" (roaring and pointing to his lion that sleeps on his bed next to him.

It was the coolest thing. It's the first time he's ever done anything like that meaning filling in the blanks with specific things/words!!! Normally, he prays along with us and we go slow and pause so he can try to repeat what we say. But today was different because nothing was prompted and everything he said he came up with on his own!

Tonight he did it again but this time with a few different things. After the four of us he said a few words that I didn't understand and then he said "Papa" (my dad who he just saw over the weekend when he was in town) and then "Nana". What's cool about that is for the longest time whenever referring to my mom or going to my mom's house, he always says "Papa?" like "going to Papa's house?". And we always say, No, Nana's house. We're going to see Nana." Since my dad lives/works out of state it's just easier this way.

Anyway, he clearly distinguished between the two and that was really cool.

One more thing I'll share...on a somewhat funny note: Saturday I started coming down with a cold and by Saturday night I was not in good shape. My voice started acting weird sometime Saturday afternoon and by the end of the night it was gone. So Christina and I are driving home from the carnival with Grant and Kate and we had the windows open. The windows were open all the way because some little girl stunk it up big time. We just passed the first light on Renner when Christina says, "I think Grant just threw his sock out the window" Great. I look in my side mirror and see something bounce. I'm thinking it's not his sock but his shoe. Great. So I panic and turn around as quick as I can. By this time my voice was shot and I couldn't yell at him if I wanted to!!! By the time I get back to the place where we thought he threw his shoe out I start praying, I just bought him new shoes last Saturday! And inside his shoe is an orthotic from Scottish Rite Hospital!!!!! So I'm praying that God would protect his shoe from being run over as I turn on Telecom. I can see something from the intersection before I turn onto Telecom and I'm thinking it's his shoe. So I pull over as soon as I could, jump out, and sprint for his shoe. I run onto Renner, grab his shoe, and sprint back to the car. Yeah, his shoe was OK! It was right between the inside and middle lane laying on it's side. I'm sooooooo thankful it did not get run over! God protected his little shoe and spared me the hassle of getting another pair of shoes and orthotic to go with it!!!!!!!! Grant is such a toot throwing his shoe out the window! What was he thinking?? "Hmm...this will be fun. I'll throw my shoe out the window." !!!

Since I couldn't talk more than a wisper I saved the punishment for later when I could talk to Joel about it. We decided appropriate punishment is that he can no longer have his window down when we are driving in the car! He asks for his window down quite often, especially with the weather being so nice lately, so I know he will be sad the next time he asks for his window down. Poor Grant but Poor Mommy who had to go run and get his shoe while feeling like crap! Agh....

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Tomorrow is Another Day...

Ok, today pretty much sucked in the potty training department. And in the dinner department. But I did get most of the house picked up which had gone to pot over the past several days. How does it get that way so fast, I still don't understand???

So Kate wore diapers after 2 peepee accidents and one #2, and we had Double Dave's take out for dinner. Whew...

So maybe I was a little too confident in the potty success. I am hoping tomorrow will be a better day. I think for the most part Kate was really tired today. At some point in the middle of the night I woke up to some serious laughter, and not from either one of my children. Thank you, Tickle Me Elmo. And Kate did not take a good nap as well. Which means she was cranky which means Mommy was cranky! Thank goodness Joel came home early today! 8-)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Yeah for Kate (& Mommy, too!)

Kate is totally going potty in the potty chair! She has been doing so good at home that I felt she was ready to try going out without a diaper. So this morning we went to the gym and she wore her training pants. I'm so proud to say that she stayed dry the whole time we were gone: to the gym, there for almost an hour, then to school to pick up Grant, then home. When we came home I checked and she had dry pants! I thought I would put her on right away but I went with my 2nd thought which was to let her tell me when she needed to go. So far she is very good at telling us that. She didn't tell me during lunch so afterwards before her nap I sat her down and she went right away. She always gets a certain smile on her face when she starts to go and you can tell she is so proud of herself. She is cute.

Yesterday and today she is taking a nap with her training pants on and so far she is staying dry during her nap, too.

I wish so very badly that I could give the same report on Grant but we are not quite there yet with him. We are working with him, too, but so far he's only gone a few times. He likes the idea of it but is very distracted by everything around him....working on that.

I know it's little early for Christmas but if I had to make a list right now it would just be one thing: Grant and Kate out of diapers!!!

Monday, October 6, 2008

We have internet access!!!

My amazing husband got an old laptop up and running this evening. I think I have caught up now on most of my bloglist. We still don't have our pc working but I'm so thankful and happy to have access to the world from my happy little home...yeah! 8-)

I have actually taken some pictures lately but I'm sure it will be awhile now until I can figure out how to get them on here, the laptop.

Grant was out of school today and tomorrow so Kate and I are enjoying him being home with us. We had a relaxing morning today and then went to the gym. It was raining and I was tired but I'm proud of me for taking my two kiddos out in the rain to the gym!


We canceled our home phone.

Our computer is not working. Joel is hoping to fix it later tonight.

In the mean time, you can reach us on our cells, and we don't have internet access until Joel fixes the computer. I'm at my lovely friend's house catching up on my email and blogs! :-)