Sunday, October 25, 2009

After 9 months of doing NACD....

.....this is what we get from Grant: (in the most whiniest little kid voice ever, btw)




He just started saying these phrases over the last couple of weeks and today he said, - for the 1st time ever - "butidonwannagotobed." I just looked at him shaking my head and chuckling. I really am just shocked sometimes at what comes out of his mouth. Yesterday when Joel and I were working with him, he said to us, "butIdonwantowork" and we just looked at each other and said, "Did he really just say that???"
These sentences are called "chunks" which means several words said as one word, not as separate, or individual words. But I am thinking we are not going to work on "de-chunking" these sentences! 8-)
He's going to have to be a little more creative if he thinks saying these things to us is going to get him out of working with me or out of going to bed!

Grant, you are a silly boy and I love you so much!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Day at the Fair!

A week ago Monday Joel and I made a last minute decision to take the kids to the Texas State Fair. We have briefly talked about it but didn't really decide one way or the other until 9am that morning. Joel was already planning on taking half day of vacation that afternoon and Grant was off of school Monday and Tuesday so if we were going to go, Monday was going to be the best day to do so. Joel and I have been several times before, actually on our 3rd date we went to the fair! But we haven't taken the kids before. Maybe Grant when he was a baby but honestly I can't remember. It's one of those "did we take Grant? ..."

So the kids and I got ready while Joel was on his way home from work and when he came home, we all left. We started out at the Midway and Grant and Kate rode a few rides. Grant and Joel went down the big slide first thing and Grant was really upset that we wouldn't let him go again. Once he realized that there were more rides to go on and that he was going to get to ride on some of them, he was fine. Poor guy, life is rough sometimes, huh? ;-)

Their favorite ride was the "choo choo". They kept talking about it throughout the rest of the day and because Joel and I thought they were so cute (and good) we ended the day with them riding the "choo choo" one more time. I have to say, it was a lot of fun as parents watching our kids have so much fun on the rides. We don't do things like this very much so it was pretty neat for us to experience.

After riding rides, we went to a dog show. Both kids are nuts about dogs so it makes sense to take your dog crazy kids to a dog show, right? It was probably boring for them but they did like watching the dog catch all of the frisbies and jump in the water. It was only 20 minutes so it was done at the same time the kids were done. Worked out perfect!

After the dog show, we went to the petting zoo and as we were walking up towards the entrance we hear a kid say, "Hi Grant!" Who could it be but our good friends from church! It was so crazy meeting up with them and it was really cool because we got to hang out with them for the whole afternoon!

We had such a great time at the fair and the weather was nice, too. It was overcast and threatened to rain but it really was nice. Joel and I were really proud at how well Grant and Kate did. I'm not saying that they were perfect, but overall they were pretty good and they really liked being at the fair. Joel and I had a good time, too. We definitely made a great memory and I can't wait to scrapbook our day at the fair! :-)

I won't post all of the pictures because I took so many but here are the highlights:

Joel and Grant coming down

the "choo choo"

our good friends, The Scott Family!

see how cute the baby piggies are?

"don't think I'm taking a nap; I'm only sleeping for 5 minutes." (she really did only sleep for 5 minutes - little stinker!)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

God is so good!

These two pictures are pictures that I have taken and developed for the purpose of working with Grant on words that we want him to say, or to say better. It is one of the many program activities that we do every day. We work on 8 new photos each week and this one is one of his for this week:
Grant says "paw" for "stop". I'm not quite sure how 'paw' is 'stop' but that is what comes out when he tries to say 'stop'. Stop is a word we use quite often and so I thought it would be a good word to work on for getting the /st/ sound going. Now for the reason of this post: This morning when we were working on his language photos, Grant looked at this picture and said while pointing to each letter, "ess, tee, o, pee!" I just sat there for a moment and was so encouraged by this for several reasons. First, he can recognize those letters. Second, he can say the name of each one. Third, he can say the names of them one after another without long pause or hesitation. But most of all, he had enough focus and attention to point and say each letter. This is so huge for him and a huge amount of progress for him! It made me realize that his focus and attention really is getting better and this encourages me so much.
I love that he is learning his letters and able to go from one sound to the next. Six months ago if I asked him to say three random words or sounds back to me, he couldn't do it. This is part of apraxia - not being able to flow from one word or sound to another very easily. So for him to say one letter after another is huge, speech-wise! And for his interest to hold is huge, too, for Grant!
I so vividly remember going to one speech therapist 2 1/2 years ago and her so candidly telling Joel and I that she simply could not work with him because of his lack of focus and attention. And Joel and I both know that in order to work on articulation, he really needs to be able to focus in on what we are trying to get him to say. She basically showed us her door and told us to come back after we have worked on improving his focus and attention. Not only did we leave very discouraged, but I was pretty depressed by it. I know she was right but it still was so hard to hear.
Honestly, it's moments like those that have been the hardest in accepting my son for who he is and for realizing that he isn't the child that I had hoped and dreamed about for months and years prior to entering parenthood. There's nothin' that can prepare you for having a kid with special needs. BUT the Lord is loving and kind AND faithful and he lifts me up when I am down. He gave me Grant for a very special reason and God is teaching so much through him. I can't imagine my life without him and I love him so much! When I think about knowing Christ, it's hard for me to imagine how parents of a special needs child make it who don't know the Lord.
So from now on I'm pretty sure that every time I look at a stop sign, I will remember the moment Grant and I had this morning, and it will encourage me to 'keep on keepin' on!' Isn't God good? He really is!

1st Trip to the Dentist!

Last week Grant had his first visit with the dentist, and we are so thankful that it was through Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children. I did not even know that they had a dental clinic until Dr. Adams referred us to them! We have been going there for over a year now working with Dr. Adams, their Developmental Pediatrician.
Due to Grant's oral motor sensory issues, going to the dentist has not been something I have looked forward to. Teeth brushing has not happened much with Grant, as he has hated it forever. Literally, we have had to hold him down just to brush his teeth. Let me tell you, it's not fun at all. So with all of the other battles with Grant, teeth brushing has unfortunately gone to the way side.
With all of that said, you can imagine my very pleasant surprise when the dentist told me his teeth look overall pretty good! Yesterday he went back for a sedation visit to get x-rays done and his one cavity filled. ONE cavity! Praise the Lord for good teeth 'cause it's not from this Mama developing good brushing habits!
I am very happy to report that through lots and lots of oral motor stimulation activities that I have done with Grant through his therapy program, he really has overcome his hatred to brushing teeth and this past month has been the best ever as far as brushing teeth goes. He is better than Kate, if you can imagine that! We still have to tell him not to bite as I am trying to brush but he is getting better and better. But I am so encouraged and more motivated than ever to stay on top of brushing teeth. And I am so very thankful for God's provision for excellent dental care! God is so good.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Ten Years Ago Today....

...Joel and I went on our first date! 8-)