Wednesday, October 7, 2009

1st Trip to the Dentist!

Last week Grant had his first visit with the dentist, and we are so thankful that it was through Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children. I did not even know that they had a dental clinic until Dr. Adams referred us to them! We have been going there for over a year now working with Dr. Adams, their Developmental Pediatrician.
Due to Grant's oral motor sensory issues, going to the dentist has not been something I have looked forward to. Teeth brushing has not happened much with Grant, as he has hated it forever. Literally, we have had to hold him down just to brush his teeth. Let me tell you, it's not fun at all. So with all of the other battles with Grant, teeth brushing has unfortunately gone to the way side.
With all of that said, you can imagine my very pleasant surprise when the dentist told me his teeth look overall pretty good! Yesterday he went back for a sedation visit to get x-rays done and his one cavity filled. ONE cavity! Praise the Lord for good teeth 'cause it's not from this Mama developing good brushing habits!
I am very happy to report that through lots and lots of oral motor stimulation activities that I have done with Grant through his therapy program, he really has overcome his hatred to brushing teeth and this past month has been the best ever as far as brushing teeth goes. He is better than Kate, if you can imagine that! We still have to tell him not to bite as I am trying to brush but he is getting better and better. But I am so encouraged and more motivated than ever to stay on top of brushing teeth. And I am so very thankful for God's provision for excellent dental care! God is so good.

1 comment:

Tabatha Aikins said...

Oh yes, Honey, God is really good to you and your family! =) I am happy that Grant only has one cavity. That means you're an excellent Momma! Keep it up, Sweetie!