Tuesday, July 10, 2012

I have something to say

Just a few journal entries to document a few things:

New speech from the past couple of weeks:

"I have something to say, Everybody"

used 'us' in proper sentence form

He asked me the other day if he could play on the iPad and said so sweetly, "Please me play on iPad? Me been really good...haven't picked my nose, my booboos, been nice to Kate.  Please, Mommy??"

Oh, ya. He gets it.  He gets it, alright.  And thank you, iPad, for motivating such wonderful behavior in my boy!

While painting his room, he comes in and admires the new color, "Amazing!"  (He has said that word before, but it's still really cool to hear him say it!)

The other night, I asked Joel if he wanted to go to "C-I-C-I" for dinner, as I spelled out CiCi's.  Grant was within earshot and right away said, "CiCi's pizza? I wanna go CiCi's tonight!"  Joel and I just looked at each other and shook our heads.  We haven't been to that place since December last year!  How does he know how to spell anyways???

Tonight, he was mad and said, "Everybodys dumb. Mommy's dumb. Kate's dumb. Daddy's dumb." 

The three of us 'dumb' people just ignored him and continued playing Mario Kart. ;-)


Emily Minich said...

Amazing, Melody! What a blessing!

Christina said...

That is so great to hear! He is a cutie, and can be way polite when it comes to the iPad, lol