Saturday, January 24, 2009

Road Trip!

Two weeks ago I had the opportunity to take my brother David to Sheppard Air Force Base in Wichita Falls. He is in the army reserves and is now active duty and going to school there to become a bio-med tech. It's for the next 10 months and will be very intense. Christina and Kate went with us and the four of us had a great time. I love short road trips like these. Wichita Falls is a little more than 2 hours northwest of Dallas. Afterward we headed south towards Aledo, about 20 west of Fort Worth to pick up wheat. I had been out for a month and was very excited to drive home with 300 pounds of wheat! That's only 6 50pound bags but 300pounds sounds like a lot, huh?
Kate, ready to go

Excited David

Kate slept almost the entire trip up to Wichita Falls just like this - so sweet!

When we got the base we had to wait awhile for David to get paperwork processed and to get his room. So Christina and I hung out in the car with Kate. She was such a good girl the whole trip and it was so great to just be able to love on her without Grant taking most of my attention. I'm so thankful we brought her with us!

David, hang in there! We are praying for you during this time and are excited with you for this opportunity you have before you! Love you!

1 comment:

Mikaela said...

I love road trips too!