Sunday, February 15, 2009

Meet our Dog

Kate, our pink poodle! ...haha

My friend Sara let us borrow this dog costume last fall and Kate wanted to wear it for the first time the other day. I've asked her if she wanted to wear it before and she shook her head "no". Sometimes she is stubborn and has her mind made up about certain things and there is no budging. The dog costume was one of those things. I'm not sure what changed but when she saw it she insisted on putting it on. Once she realized that she looked like a dog, you know she was in 7th Heaven! She ran to the full length mirror in my bathroom to look at herself, laughing the whole time. She loves it and I have a feeling that we will have a little pink dog running around often. :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is SO cute! What an adorable doggie! Let me know when you need a dogsitter! :)