Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A Four Word First!

Today while at Costco with some friends eating lunch and getting some groceries, Grant looked at me and casually said, "I....want....more....water." I looked at my friend and said, "He just said his first four word sentence!" For several weeks now he has been saying, "I...want...water" but today he plugged in 'more' and used it very appropriately, as he had already had a lot to drink and I kept telling him that he couldn't have any more!

Other news related to Grant: He is counting to three! It goes like this, "One...two...phree!" If you are reading this and a mom or have been around children a lot, you know that counting "one two three" is used all of the time, like "ready set go!" So for him to be counting to three is just fabulous. He just started saying 'one', a few weeks ago he started counting "one two" and then last week he started counting to three. While he understands the concept of counting to five, one of his goals at school is to verbally count to three. This goal has been on his program at school since last fall. And now in one summer, after working with him a ton, we are getting there!!! Wahoo!!!!!!!

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