Sunday, August 2, 2009

Tutu Time!

Last Saturday Kate and I went to a birthday party for a sweet little girl who just turned 1. She wore a tutu at her party and was the cutest thing ever! Kate was taking it all in and I noticed she was watching Miss Emmerson tuddle around in her tutu. I told Kate that she has a tutu at home and she could wear it later if she wanted. She just kind of nodded indicating that she might want to do that. (She's had a tutu for awhile but hasn't had much interest in wearing it.) So the next day on Sunday Kate wanted to wear her tutu as soon as we got home from church. And then she wanted to wear a necklace. And then she wanted to wear some bracelets. And of course the matching clippie....She got all dressed up and she actually wore it for more than 5 minutes!

still the cheesy 'cheeeesssse'

"playing" mario kart with Grant
time to sit down!

Kate hasn't really hit the dress up stage yet so it was fun seeing her play in her tutu. She was so cute walking around and being all fancy. So fun having a girl in the house! :-)

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Such cute pics! Love the one of you and Kate together and Kate playing video games in the tutu. Too-too funny! (Get it?!? I crack myself up sometimes!)